
Niedzica is a polish village. It is located near the northern border of Slovakia. Since 1945 it belongs to Poland. 
It is part of the international national park of Pieniny.

If you are willing to get up early in the morning, you can make one day trip to Niedzica without any problem.

The weather was cold and misty on the day of our trip. We are accustomed to extreme conditions so it didn´t bother us that much. Gloves and beanies were necessary in the morning but the day kept getting sunnier and warmer. The whole lake and its surroundings looked absolutely captivating. Almost like a live version of a romantic painting.

We originally came to the Lake Czorsztyńskie because of paddleboarding, but then we decided to visit the Niedzica castle as well. The castle is well preserved. There were several movies shot here including one version of Jánošík. Real Jánošík is claimed to have been imprisoned and tortured right here in this castle.

The tour was short but very interesting. We found out about treasure of Inca, that is rumored to be hidden somewhere around the castle. Of course, what castle would it be without a ghost. It is said to be haunted by a distraught baroness Brumhilda. She fell out of window during an argument with her husband. Castle offers accommodation for those brave enough to spend the night.

Nice granny was selling tasty polish cheese called oštiepok. There is also a restaurant with traditional polish cuisine near by.

We were looking for a house where an actor Michal Dočolomanský was born, but we didn´t manage to find it. A long bike path leads through here and continues to Slovakia.

You can find out more about Niedzica in this video: Niedzice

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

Niedzica je poľská obec. Nachádza sa tesne za severnými hranicami Slovenska. Od roku 1945 patrí Poliakom. 

Je súčasťou medzinárodného Pieninského národného parku.

If you are willing to get up early in the morning, you can make one day trip to Niedzica without any problem.

My sme si na náš výlet ,,vychmatli“ chladné a hmlisté počasie. Keďže sme však zvyknutí chodiť do prírody aj v extrémnejších podmienkach, nijak obzvlášť nám to nevadilo. 

Zrána boli rukavice a čiapky nevyhnutnosťou, ale postupne sa vyjasnilo a oteplilo. Vďaka hmle malo jazero a okolie veľmi zaujímavú atmosféru. 

Celá scenéria vyzerala ako živá verzia obrazov romantických maliarov.

K Czorsztyńskiemu jazeru sme prišli najmä kvôli paddleboardingu, ale navštívili sme i hrad Niedzica. Je zachovaný v dobrom stave. Natáčalo sa na ňom niekoľko filmov vrátane jednej z verzii Jánošíka. 

Skutočný Jánošík bol vraj väznený a mučený práve na tomto hrade.

Prehliadka je krátka, ale veľmi zaujímavá. Dozvedeli sme sa o poklade Inkov, ktorý sa vraj v okolí hradu nachádza.

Samozrejme, čo by to bol za hrad, keby nemal aj nejakého ducha. Vraj tu straší nešťastná kňažná Brumhilda, ktorá vypadla z okna vysokej veže pri hádke s manželom. Hrad ponúka pre odvážnych možnosť ubytovania.

Pred hradom na námestí si od bábušky môžete kúpiť chutný poľský oštiepok. V blízkosti je aj reštaurácia s tradičným poľským jedlom a priaznivými cenami.

Hľadali sme rodný dom Michala Dočolomanského, ale nepodarilo sa nám ho nájsť. 

Vedie tu dlhá cyklistická trasa, ktorá pokračuje až na Slovensko.

You can find out more about Niedzica in this video: Niedzice

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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