
Printed flyers in a digital era

Letáky v digitálnej dobe

As we find ourselves in digital era, flyers tend to be overlooked as a viable marketing tool. Some have even marked them as old fashioned and ineffective. However, correct usage of flyers can provide many benefits for your company and products you offer.

Well designed flyer is visually appealing and contains just enough information so that the reader is not overwhelmed by it and gets quickly to the point. Sifting through ton of information online is time consuming and exhausting.

Flyers can be used to promote lectures and events. What you said to the public is sometimes easily forgotten. But if you give away flyers after the event, you give them the opportunity to return to the most important points of your lecture.

Furthermore, it´s very likely that the event was attended by people who are genuinely interested in your company. There is a higher chance that these people will take their time and read those printed flyers during the event or at home. This is often not the case with random people who were given a flyer on the street (a flyer like that will almost always end up in a nearest garbage bin). 

And at last but not least, flyers help you to address the part of population, that doesn´t participate in the world of internet. Despite the claims, that everybody is online today, it is not completely true. You always need to have your target group in mind. Choosing the right location to give away flyers is equally important.Flyers thrown into post boxes are often tossed away, but flyers in waiting rooms at doctor´s office will be read not just by seniors.

author of the text and graphic design: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

Keďže sa nachádzame v digitálnej dobe, letáky sa niekedy ako nástroj marketingu prehliadajú. Niektorí ich dokonca nespravodlivo označili za staromódne a neefektívne. To však vôbec nemusí byť pravda.

Pekne navrhnutý leták je vizuálne príťažlivý a obsahuje len toľko informácií, aby sa čitateľ necítil uveličený a rýchlo a ľahko zachytil pointu. 

Na druhej strane, prehrabávať sa medzi množstvom informácii online je niekedy časovo náročné, chaotické a vyčerpávajúce.

Letáky sa dajú využiť aj pri prednáškach a akciách. To, čo ste divákom povedali, na to môžu ľahko zabudnúť. Ale ak im po programe rozdáte letáky, dáte im tak možnosť vrátiť sa neskôr k podstatným bodom vašej prednášky.

Furthermore, it´s very likely that the event was attended by people who are genuinely interested in your company. There is a higher chance that these people will take their time and read those printed flyers during the event or at home. This is often not the case with random people who were given a flyer on the street (a flyer like that will almost always end up in a nearest garbage bin). 

A nakoniec, ale nie naposledy, Vám pomáhajú osloviť aj tú časť obyvateľstva, ktorá nie je technicky zdatná a svet internetu je jej cudzí. 

Napriek tvrdeniu, že každý je dnes online, to nie je tak celkom pravda. Vždy musíte mať na mysli Vašu cieľovú skupinu. Rovnako dôležitý je Choosing the right location to give away flyers is equally important.

Letáky hodené do poštovej schránky mnohí vyhadzujú, ale tie v lekárni či v čakárni u lekára si často prečítajú nielen dôchodcovia.

author of the text and graphic design: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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