About me

What you should know "About me"

Čo by ste mali vedieť "O mne"

My favorite color is green (#74B72E), I like dandelions (if it was up to me, we would never mow a lawn until that beautiful carpet of bright yellow flowers stops to blossom on its own) and I am a vegetarian (my favorite dish is eggplant parmigiana :-D)... I don´t really like "About me" segment. It sounds so misleading. Despite its name this is not really about me.

It´s first and foremost about You and a value I can give you by providing my services! 

My number 1 goal is to create a simple and user friendly environment, where you can order my service or ask anything you want easily. A And goal number two is to provide  you the best graphic design and webdesign services possible.

I have studied graphic design and photography at high school and slovak language and literature at university. I am also certified webdesigner and webdeveloper. I started to work as an event photographer/graphic designer and eventually spread out to other fields working for smaller and bigger clients. I debuted as an illustrator with book for children – Zrodila sa básnička.

My favorite color is green (#74B72E), mám rada púpavy (keby bolo na mne, tak by sa záhrady nikdy nekosili, až kým ten krásny žltý koberec púpav neodkvitne prirodzene) a som vegetariánka (najradšej mám zapekaný baklažán :-D)… Nemám rada sekciu „O mne“. Vyznieva to zavádzajúco. Napriek názvu tu totiž nejde len o mňa. 

Ide predovšetkým o Vás  a o hodnotu, ktorú Vám viem svojimi službami poskytnúť! 

My number 1 goal is to create a simple and user friendly environment, where you can order my service or ask anything you want easily. A And goal number two is to provide  you the best graphic design and webdesign services possible.

I have studied graphic design and photography at high school and slovak language and literature at university. I am also certified webdesigner and webdeveloper. I started to work as an event photographer/graphic designer and eventually spread out to other fields working for smaller and bigger clients. I debuted as an illustrator with book for children – Zrodila sa básnička.

6 reasons why it pays off to work with me

6 reasons why it pays off to work with me

1. You don´t have to go anywhere

1. You don´t have to go anywhere

The entire order can be done 100% online from the safety and comfort of your home. You can contact me via e-mail, phone or contact form. 

Celú objednávku alebo konzultáciu dokážete vybaviť 100% online z bezpečia a pohodlia domova. 

Komunikácia prebieha emailom, telefonicky alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára. 

2. There´s no need for registration

2. Žiadna registrácia

I always keep my customers in mind by providing a user friendly environment. 

I always keep my customers in mind by providing a user friendly environment. 

3. Easy to find contact information

3. Easy to find contact information

To make the Contact easy and convenient, I created a contact form for you. I reply as fast as I can to answer all of your questions.

To make the Contact easy and convenient, I created a contact form for you. I reply as fast as I can to answer all of your questions.

4. You won´t need to hire an extra graphic designer, webdesigner or photo retoucher

4. Nebudete potrebovať extra grafika alebo webdizajnéra

I offer complex and high quality services in all of these areas.

I offer complex and high quality services in all of these areas.

5. Your website will look amazing even on iPhone or tablet

5. Your website will look amazing even on iPhone or tablet

When designing a website, it is my goal for it to be responsive and optimized for all devices.

When designing a website, it is my goal for it to be responsive and optimized for all devices.

6. I offer an option to split the cost of larger projects into multiple payments

6. I offer an option to split the cost of larger projects into multiple payments

I want to make financing larger projects easier for you. That´s why I am giving you an option to pay in multiple payments. 

I want to make financing larger projects easier for you. That´s why I am giving you an option to pay in multiple payments. 

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