Zadiel canyon

Changes of biotope in Zadiel canyon

Changes of biotope in Zadiel canyon

Zadiel canyon is one of our favorite tourist locations.
It´s especially beautiful in winter, as it looks like it came straight out of the Father Frost fairytale. Of course, you shouldn´t forget your crampons.

Zadiel canyon is approximately 10.3 km long and its start is located 1005 meters above sea level, under the hill Osadník (1186 meters above sea level). You can get to Osadník on foot, but the path is barricaded with fallen trees at several points, which makes it harder to get to the top.

Researchers found ancient artifacts in Zadiel canyon. People have been living here since paleolithic area. We haven´t found any treasure, but we have seen several endangered animals, including a stunning salamander and blindworm. Both from safe distance, of course.

We have been coming here for years, and noticed that there are certain changes in nature, we can´t explain. There used to grow so much of spring adonis and pasqueflowers. We are not exaggerating, when we say that a whole meadow was yellow (or purple). And yet, in recent years we have seen these flowers only here and there, if at all. Likewise, we don´t see as many mushrooms, as we used to. I don´t know why. Maybe the biotope of this area really changed that much over the years, and that´s why. Or maybe it´s just a temporary (like a bad luck of not having the perfect weather, amount of rainfall...). Either way, we kind of miss it.

Despite this, we really recommend this hiking location. Trails are straightforward. You got a lot of options and can choose based on your fitness level and personal preference. Most people go up to a "restaurant" (a Zadiel cottage, you can buy refreshment here). Now it´s closed because of coronavirus. Another favorite choice for an outdoor recreation are High Tatras.

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

Resources: Bronze object with zoomorphic protoms originating from Slovak kras in this article you can find out more about the excavations from Slovak kras.

Zádielska dolina už dlhé roky patrí k najobľúbenejším celoročným turistickým lokáciám.

It´s especially beautiful in winter, as it looks like it came straight out of the Father Frost fairytale. Samozrejme, netreba pri tom zabudnúť ani na stúpacie želiezka.

Zádielska dolina je zhruba 10.3 km dlhá a jej začiatok sa nachádza vo výške 1005 m n. m., pod vrchom Osadník (1186 m n.m.). Na Osadník sa dá dostať pešo, ale cestička je miestami zavalená stromami, čo sťažuje výstup.

Researchers found ancient artifacts in Zadiel canyon. Zistilo sa, že ľudia túto oblasť obývali už počas praveku. 

My sme síce žiadne poklady nenašli, ale zato sme tu videli už several endangered animals, including salamandru škvrnitú a slepúcha lámavého. Samozrejme, obe z bezpečnej vzdialenosti.

We have been coming here for years, and noticed that there are certain changes in nature, we can´t explain. 

There used to grow so much of spring adonis and pasqueflowers. Ani veľmi nepreháňame, ak povieme, že celá lúka bola žltá alebo fialová. 

V posledných rokoch sme tieto kvety videli len tu a tam, ak vôbec. 

Rovnako we don´t see as many mushrooms, as we used to. Možno sa zmenil biotop tejto oblasti, a preto tam niektoré rastliny už nechcú rásť. 

A možno je to len dočasne trvajúci stav. Tak či onak, trochu nám to chýba.

Napriek tomu túto výletnú lokáciu odporúčame. Trasy sú dosť priamočiare. Ich výber možno dobre prispôsobiť individuálnej kondícii návštevníka. 

Väčšina ľudí chodí po „reštauráciu“, teda po chatu s občerstvením. Now it´s closed because of coronavirus. Another favorite choice for an outdoor recreation are High Tatras.

Resources: Bronze object with zoomorphic protoms originating from Slovak kras 

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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