
Czechia – Lipno and its surroundings

Czechia – Lipno and its surroundings

This is how Czechia looked like just before it became a red country because of the coronavirus:

This is how Czechia looked like just before it became a red country because of the coronavirus:

Lipno is often mentioned as a paradise for sailors. We were there during the summer of 2020 and we felt, that it´s more of a paradise for fishermen. Because of their fishing rods laid out across the whole beach we had a difficult time getting into water. Camps around Lipno are built mostly for families with kids, which is after all preferred by many. Surroundings of Lipno, graphite mine, castles and mansions were beautiful and we definitely recommend visiting them. It was raining for the better part of the vacation. Despite of that we enjoyed this trip a lot.

If you are wondering, what Czechia looked like just before the COVID outbreak really hit this part of Europe, we recommend to watch this video:
Lipno. There is no reason to travel to Lipno in order to do water sports. Aside our tested water reservoirs, like Domaša or Zemplínska Šírava, an interesting location for the whole family is also a polish village of Niedzica, sometimes also called Nedeca.

Lipno sa zvykne označovať ako raj pre jachtárov. 

My sme tam boli počas leta roku 2020 a mali sme pocit, že je skôr rajom pre rybárov, lebo kvôli rozloženým udiciam bol dosť sťažený prístup k vode. 

Kempingy popri brehu sú vybavené predovšetkým pre rodiny s  malými deťmi, čo môže napokon mnohým vyhovovať. 

Okolie Lipna, grafitový dol v Českom Krumlove, hrady a zámky boli nádherné a rozhodne ich odporúčame navštíviť každému milovníkovi histórie. 

Počas našej dovolenky sme mali takmer každý deň upršané počasie. Napriek tomu sme si užili všetky prehliadky.

Ak ste zvedaví, ako to v Česku vyzeralo tesne pred vypuknutím pandémie, odporúčame pozrieť si túto reportáž: Lipno

Kvôli vodným športom však nemusíte cestovať až na Lipno. 

Okrem našich osvedčených vodných nádrží, ako je napr. Domaša alebo Zemplínska Šírava, je zaujímavou destináciou pre celú rodinu aj poľská Niedzica, sometimes also called Nedeca.

Czechia – Prague

Czechia – Prague

These are photos from the year 2017. Wenceslas Square was under reconstruction, so it was hard to take pictures there. There were also many new banners and other advertisements in the city center, blocking the view of the otherwise beautiful architecture.

Toto sú fotky z roku 2017. Námestie v Prahe bolo práve rekonštruované, takže sa tam ťažko fotilo. V centre pribudlo mnoho bannerov a reklám.

The Prague Zoo did not disappoint. There was a bit of a problem to get into Botanical garden though. We waited in a really long line. I am not even exaggerating if I say, that it must have been at least 1 km long. Tea and refreshments were offered everywhere in the area. The tea especially was very promoted. We will surely never forget the gentleman dressed in Indian garment, ringing a bell and yelling: „Tea? Shi shi shi shi shi. Tea?“

Beside the Zoo and Botanical garden we also visited Technical museum, Museum of bogeymen and ghosts, the Chocolate museum and Museum of Karl Zeman, a world-renown czech filmmaker.


author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

Zoo v Prahe nesklamala. Bol trochu problém dostať sa do Botanickej záhrady. 

Stáli sme v strašne dlhom rade. Ani veľmi nepreháňam, ak poviem, že ten rad bol dlhý hádam aj kilometer. 

V areáli sa dalo kúpiť občerstvenie a čaj. Najmä ten čaj bol extra špeciálne propagovaný. Na toho uja, čo tam bol oblečený vo pseudoindickom odeve, cingotal zvončekom a zaťahoval pri tom: ,,Čaj? Ši ši ši ši ši. Čaj?“ určite tak rýchlo nezabudneme.

Okrem Zoo a Botanickej záhrady sme navštívili aj technické múzeum, múzeum strašidiel, múzeum čokolády a múzeum Karla Zemana. 

Jediným sklamaním bolo hlavné námestie. Kvôli všadeprítomným reklamám pôsobila Praha veľmi komerčným dojmom.

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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