
Portraits in this gallery were used as a base for further processing. Second picture is part of a billboard and a third one was taken for a picture board.

Portraits in this gallery were used as a base for further processing. Second picture is part of a billboard and a third one was taken for a picture board.

iPhone in the world of photography

iPhone in the world of photography

These days it is tempting to save money on professional photographer. Basically every friend or a family member who owns a camera or even just an iPhone becomes one. This solution is fast and cheap, but often at the cost of quality, which you won´t always notice on a small screen. How often have we heard the sentence: „OMG, my smartphone makes such a great pictures, that I don´t even need a camera.“ In an article bellow I will explain in more detail why it isn´t truth.

We don´t deny that there is a place for an iPhone in the world of photography. It is light, practical and pictures can be shared on social media fast and comfortably.

But, if you want to have photographs that you will be able to look at with a smile on your face even years from now on and proudly show them to your friends and family, it is well worth considering hiring a photographer.

V dnešných časoch je pokušením ušetriť na profesionálnom fotografovi. Respektíve sa fotografom stáva každý priateľ alebo člen rodiny, ktorý vlastní fotoaparát, či dokonca iba iPhone. 

Toto riešenie je lacné a rýchle, ale často funguje na úkor kvality, ktorú na malom displeji nie vždy zaregistrujete. 

Už veľakrát sme počuli vetu: ,,Ty vole, môj smartphone robí také dzivé fotky, že ani foťák nepotrebujem.“ V článku nižšie si vysvetlíme, prečo to nie je pravda.

Nepopierame, že i iPhone má v svete fotografie svoje miesto. Je ľahký, praktický a fotky možno rýchlo a pohodlne zdieľať na sociálnych sieťach.

But, if you want to have photographs that you will be able to look at with a smile on your face even years from now on and proudly show them to your friends and family, it is well worth considering hiring a photographer.

When it´s not worth it to skimp on photographer

When it´s not worth it to skimp on photographer

You can take a portrait with a cellphone, but it won´t tell you where to stand, what background or a composition to choose. Professional photographer has a trained eye and will notice things, that you wouldn´t. It could be just little details, or even technical matters, that can influence the overall quality and atmosphere of your pictures in a big way.

You also shouldn´t underestimate a quality equipment. Regardless of the resolution on your mobile device, it will never compare to a professional camera. Professional cameras have bigger and better lens and a larger sensor, which allows more light to come through. Quality of a picture taken by a modern professional camera is great even at higher ISO values and after it has been enlarged. Have you ever tried enlarging a photo taken by phone? It´s not a pretty sight. They say size doesn´t matter, but it does in this case.

Other issues of using an iPhone instead of a proper camera include the inability to change lenses and a lack of manual settings, which can limit photographer, if he or she has more creative intentions. If you are more interested in this topic and english is not a problem for you, I highly recommend reading this article: Why an iPhone will never replace my DSLR.

Portraits were always more than just a record of a life moment. A good portrait elevates beauty, power, social status, charisma and other qualities. You are just as worthy of owning one.

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská
www.miragrafik.sk | webdesign, graphic design and photography

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská
www.miragrafik.sk | webdesign, graphic design and photography

Mobilný telefón umožňuje fotiť v režime „portréty“, ale nenapovie Vám, kde sa postaviť, aké zvoliť pozadie či kompozíciu. 

Dobrý profesionálny fotograf má „vytrénované“ oko a všimne si i veci, ktoré iným unikajú. Môžu to byť maličkosti, ale i technické záležitosti, ako práca s časom, clonou a osvetlením, ktoré dokážu veľmi výrazným spôsobom ovplyvniť kvalitu a atmosféru Vašich fotografií.

Netreba podceňovať ani vybavenie. 

Bez ohľadu na to, aké rozlíšenie máte na svojom mobilnom zariadení, nikdy sa nevyrovná profesionálnemu fotoaparátu. Ten má väčšiu a kvalitnejšiu šošovku a tiež väčší snímač, vďaka čomu prepustí viac svetla. 

Kvalita fotografie pri použití zrkadlovky je zachovaná i pri vyšších hodnotách ISO a zväčšení výslednej fotky. 

Skúšali ste už niekedy zväčšovať fotku z mobilu? Nie je to pekný pohľad. Hovorí sa, že na veľkosti nezáleží, ale v tomto prípade áno.

Medzi ďalšie problémy použitia iPhonu namiesto zrkadlovky patria aj nemožnosť vymieňať objektívy a nedostatok manuálnych nastavení, čo obmedzuje fotografa, ak má akékoľvek kreatívnejšie úmysly. 

Ak Vás táto problematika zaujíma viac a angličtina Vám nerobí problémy, odporúčam prečítať si tento článok: Why an iPhone will never replace my DSLR.

Portréty boli vždy viac než len záznamom okamihu života. Dobrý portrét vyzdvihuje krásu, moc, postavenie, charizmu a iné kvality človeka. Aj Vy si taký zaslúžite mať.

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská
www.miragrafik.sk | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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