Janov – the best ice cream, house of Christopher Columbus and nautical musem
Janov – rodný dom Krištofa Kolumbusa
We were very happy with our camping in italian Pegli, which is a district of Janov. The space that we had for pitching our tent was large enough to allow freedom of movement. Although it was actually a spot for caravans we paid for. Official tent area had a separate space and we didn´t like the idea of leaving our car and other stuff unatended.
Toilets were for the most part clean and camping even has recycling bins.
The great thing is you can buy a bus ticket to Janov city center right at the reception desk. Only 9 euros for a family of four and it will last you whole day.
Pegli has a beach close enough to camping, so you can walk there without any problems.
We don´t always have good experience witth withdrawinh cash from ATM, because if that credit card doesn´t come out after, you usually have trouble looking for a nearby bank to get your card back. However, we took our chance in here. The first inserted card was rejected, supossedly because we crossed a daily limit (we only took out 50 euros). Another card was also rejected, even though we have used it in shops without any problems. Third card worked, but we didn´t find out why.
Locals sell homemade sausages, cheese, vegetables and fruit. Pegli has the best ice cream we have ever eaten. A real italien ice cream can´t be compered with anything you can get in Slovakia (certainly not with so called "balkan ice cream", which often has nothing to do with the real deal).
The beach is rocky and crowded. Sea is more or less clean, especially further from a shore.
Street food looks and tastes amazing. Italy is a paradise for vegetarians. Out of all countries we have been to, Italy has the widest selection of meat-free dishes, including fast food. During our vactaion, we have tasted pretty much every type of foccacia and pizza, that you could get. Prices are acceptable in Pegli (1,50 or 2 euros for piece/slice).
However, you will pay at least 3, if not even 5 or 6 euros for these delicacies if you are in Janov (or Florence, Venice and other "attractive" locations ).
We wanted to take a look at port in Pegli, but we were not allowed to, since it was closed for passerby. Unless you are mooring in that port, in which case you got an access card.
S kempingom v talianskom Pegli, čo je štvrť Janova, sme boli veľmi spokojní. Miesto, ktoré nám pre náš stan poskytli bolo dosť veľké na to, aby sme mali slobodu pohybu. Musíme však dodať, že to bolo vlastne miesto pre karavany, za ktoré sme si zaplatili.
Oficiálne miesta pre stany boli nižšie a nám sa nepáčila predstava, že by sme mali auto a všetky svoje veci tak ďaleko od stanu a ostatných zariadení.
Toilets were for the most part clean and camping even has recycling bins.
The great thing is you can buy a bus ticket to Janov city center right at the reception desk. Only 9 euros for a family of four and it will last you whole day.
Pegli has a beach close enough to camping, so you can walk there without any problems.
S vyberaním peňazí z bankomatu nemávame vždy dobré skúsenosti, lebo ak vám zožerie kartu a nevydá ju späť, zvyčajne nie je nablízku banka, kde by ste sa mohli domáhať vrátenia karty a celé riešenie problémov je zložitejšie. Tu sme to však riskli.
Prvú vloženú kartu bankomat odmietol, že vraj je prekročený nejaký denný limit (vyberali sme iba 50 eur). Ani na ďalší deň kartu neakceptoval, pričom v obchodoch sme s ňou platili bez problémov.
Keďže s automatom sa hádať nedá, skúsili sme inú kartu a s tou už problém nebol. Niečo podobné sa nám stalo pred niekoľkými rokmi v Litve, ale ani vtedy, ani teraz sa nám nepodarilo zistiť, prečo bankomat kartu odmietol. Nevedeli to vysvetliť ani v našej banke.
Pri pláži predávajú miestni domáce klobásy, syry, zeleninu a ovocie. V Pegli majú tú najlepšiu zmrzlinu, akú sme kedy jedli.
Pravá talianska zmrzlina vyrobená z čerstvých surovín sa nedá porovnať s ničím, čo dostať na Slovensku (rozhodne nie s tzv. „balkánskou zmrzlinou“, ktorá s talianskou zmrzlinou okrem názvu často nemá nič spoločné).
The beach is rocky and crowded. Sea is more or less clean, especially further from a shore.
Turistov určite zláka aj pouličné rýchle občerstvenie. Taliansko je rajom pre vegetariánov.
Zo všetkých krajín, ktoré sme zatiaľ navštívili, malo Taliansko najväčší výber bezmäsitých jedál, vrátane rýchleho občerstvenia.
Počas dní, ktoré sme tu strávili sme ochutnali hádam všetky druhy foccacie a pizze, aké len boli dostupné. V Pegli sú ceny prijateľné (1,50 až 2 eurá za kus).
However, you will pay at least 3, if not even 5 or 6 euros for these delicacies if you are in Janov (or Florence, Venice and other "attractive" locations ).
We wanted to take a look at port in Pegli, but we were not allowed to, since it was closed for passerby. Unless you are mooring in that port, in which case you got an access card.
Our public transport ticket came in handy next day. We even got "lucky" to run into public transportation inspector.
We saw a giant wooden ship (by the way, traveling to Janov by bus from Pegli takes around an hour) right after arriving to Janov.
Theoretically speaking, it is prohibited to enter churches and cathedrals indecently dressed – exposed knees or chest, sleeveless t-shirts... But in reality, noone is keeping eye on that, because if they did, no tourist whould ever be allowed in. At least not in hot summer weather.
People have a habit of sitting and eating on stairs. The same behavior can be seen in Florence and Venice. There are hardly any benches and nearest park is often too far away.
Almost everyone uses motorcycle or moped for public transportation. Which makes perfect sense, when we consider how narrow italien streets and alleys are.
Christopher Columbus was born in Janov. You can take a picture of his house.
Many of the oldest shops were under reconstruction.
Upon entering a Nautical museum, at first it seemed like it wasn´t worth it. There were only a few exhibits in each room, but it got much better with each floor.
We found the exhibition about italian immigrants to be most interesting. Many immigrants tried to flee the poor country by going to USA, Brasil or Mexico to chase a better life. Most of them sold everything they had to afford boat tickets. They risked dangerous journey, during which mothers were separated from their children, healthy people got stuck in tiny spaces with sick and some didn´t even survived the journey. There was a doctor on a boat, who could do some basic surgeries and treat common illnesses.
After arriving to a new country, those who passed passport control stayed in hotels. Hotels were responsible for controling immigrant flow. Desperate immigrants often done badly payed manual labor and natives lost their jobs, so companies could save on salaries. However, when we consider economic situation of an old Italy, it was still an improvement for many Italians.
Unfortunately, not even luxurious cruising ship similar to Titanic could avoid a disaster and sunk after hitting another ship in 1950s.
Museum has a terrace, where you can admire a beautiful view of the city.
Our public transport ticket came in handy next day. We even got "lucky" to run into public transportation inspector.
We saw a giant wooden ship (by the way, traveling to Janov trvá mimochodom takmer hodinu, sme uvideli veľkú drevenú loď. Ani sa nám celá nezmestila do záberu.
V prístave sa potulujú černosi a predávajú turistom náramky pre šťastie, podobne ako u nás niekedy na ulici predávajú tuláci božie obrázky. Nezdali sa byť nebezpeční, len dotieraví.
Theoretically speaking, it is prohibited to enter churches and cathedrals indecently dressed – exposed knees or chest, sleeveless t-shirts... But in reality, noone is keeping eye on that, because if they did, no tourist whould ever be allowed in. At least not in hot summer weather.
People have a habit of sitting and eating on stairs. The same behavior can be seen in Florence and Venice. There are hardly any benches and nearest park is often too far away.
Almost everyone uses motorcycle or moped for public transportation. Which makes perfect sense, when we consider how narrow italien streets and alleys are.
Christopher Columbus was born in Janov. You can take a picture of his house.
Many of the oldest shops were under reconstruction.
Upon entering a Nautical museum, at first it seemed like it wasn´t worth it. There were only a few exhibits in each room, but it got much better with each floor.
Najzaujímavejšia bola však časť o emigrantoch, ktorí sa snažili utiecť z chudobného Talianska do Mexika, Brazílie a USA za lepším životom. Väčšina z nich predala všetok svoj majetok, aby si mohli dovoliť lístky na cestu loďou.
V nádeji na lepšiu budúcnosť riskovali nebezpečnú plavbu, počas ktorej boli matky oddelené od detí starších ako 6 rokov, zdraví sa tlačili v stiesnených priestoroch spolu s chorými, niektorí cestu ani neprežili.
Na lodi mali však doktora, ktorý bol schopný liečiť základné choroby a vykonávať bežné chirurgické zákroky.
Po príchode do novej zeme boli tí, ktorí prešli prísnou colnou kontrolou dočasne ubytovaní v hoteloch. Tie mali za úlohu kontrolovať prudký príval prisťahovalcov.
Zúfalí prisťahovalci často dostávali na tamojšie pomery zle platené manuálne práce, kvôli ktorým prepúšťali miestnych, aby ušetrili na výplatách.
V porovnaní s ekonomikou vtedajšieho Talianska, kde vládla veľká chudoba, to však bol pre mnohých predsa len výrazný posun v ich životnej situácií.
Unfortunately, not even luxurious cruising ship similar to Titanic could avoid a disaster and sunk after hitting another ship in 1950s.
Museum has a terrace, where you can admire a beautiful view of the city.
author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská
www.miragrafik.sk | webdesign, graphic design and photography
author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská
www.miragrafik.sk | webdesign, graphic design and photography