Sweden in all its beauty
Sweden in all its beauty
Have you ever wished to be able to read outside at night? No? Never mind.
We still think you will love Sweden. Not only can you read a book outside at midnight, as there is so much light, that you wouldn´t be able to fall asleep even if you wanted to, but mainly because of all the possibilities when it comes to tourism in a beautiful Swedish nature.
We visited Ekopark Omberg and National park Tiveden. Some moss in there is as old as a dinosaurs. You will be stunned by how clean and intact Swedish nature is compared to many forests in Slovakia.
Of course, all the energy spent on several hours long walk must be recharged with something sweet. If you spend some time in Swedish towns, you will surely notice stalls and stores offering polkagris. Polkagris is a traditional Swedish lollipop. It can have different shapes. The most common is a candy cane.
We were lucky and saw the entire process of making polkagris through the window of one of the shops. Polkagris tastes best when it is still warm. It is soft and has a consistency of chewing gum. Cold polkagris is hard and less impressive in terms of taste, but that´s ok. The interior of the store looks like it came straight from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
Are you curious how this traditional candy is made? The whole process can be seen in this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw2DX-J2rz4.
Sweden was for a long time the most beautiful destination we have ever been. Then came Albania a now we are trying to decide, which country was more beautiful. They are pretty much on the same level.
Have you ever wished to be able to read outside at night? No? Never mind.
Aj tak si myslíme, že by sa Vám Švédsko páčilo.
Nielenže o polnoci prečítate vonku knihu, pretože je tam toľko svetla, že by ste nezaspali aj keby ste chceli, ale hlavne máte kopec možností na turistiku v krásnej švédskej prírode.
My sme navštívili Ekopark Omberg a národný park Tiveden, v ktorom rastú nádherné machy staré takmer ako dinosaurus.
Človeka na prvý pohľad zarazí neporušenosť a čistota prírody.
Samozrejme, energiu spálenú počas niekoľkohodinovej chôdze sa žiada doplniť niečím sladkým.
Ak ste sa okrem prírody pohybovali aj po švédskych mestách, určite vám neušli obchodíky ponúkajúce polkagris.
Polkagris je tradičné švédske lízatko. Môže mať rôzny tvar. Najľahšie asi spoznáte polkagris ako malú zahnutú červeno-bielu paličku, ktorá sa na Vianoce vešia na stromčeky.
My sme mali šťastie a podarilo sa nám vidieť cez okienko v obchodíku celú výrobu polkagrisu, od prípravy hmoty až po jej tvarovanie a balenie.
Najlepšie chutí ešte keď je teplý. Vtedy je mäkký a má konzistenciu žuvačky. Vychladnutý polkagris je chuťovo menej impozantný, ale to nevadí.
Ide najmä o tú senzáciu. Keď vojdete do obchodu, vyzerá to tam ako vo filme Karlík a továreň na čokoládu.
Are you curious how this traditional candy is made? The whole process can be seen in this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw2DX-J2rz4.
Dlho bolo Švédsko jednoznačne najkrajšou destináciou, na akej sme strávili našu dovolenku. Potom prišlo na rad Albania a now we are trying to decide, which country was more beautiful. They are pretty much on the same level.
Sweden – weather
Sweden – weather
We get asked if the weather was cold in Sweden. No, it wasn´t. Of course, we recommend not to underestimate anything. If you decide to visit Sweden, don´t forget to pack warm clothes and proper shoes. But do not let an occasional discomfort discourage you, because Sweden is a destination that is definitely worth visiting.
author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská
www.miragrafik.sk | webdesign, graphic design and photography
Napriek neustálym otázkam, či nám tam nebola zima, musíme povedať, že nie. Samozrejme, neodporúčame nič podceňovať. Ak sa rozhodnete Švédsko navštíviť, nezabudnite ani na teplé oblečenie a kvalitnú obuv. Ale nech vás možný občasný diskomfort neodradí, pretože Švédsko je lokácia, ktorú sa rozhodne oplatí vidieť.
author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská
www.miragrafik.sk | webdesign, graphic design and photography