
What makes animation an ideal marketing tool

Animácia ako marketingový nástroj

Even today, we can sometimes hear and opinion, that whatever is animated is for children. That´s clearly not the case, especially when we consider many popular animated shows like South Park and Family Guy, which often include controversial topics. These are not really suitable for little children. However, animation has much wider use than cartoons and movies and depending on a topic and a way it is handled, it can catch an attention of people of all ages.

According to research up to 65 % of people belong among visual type of learner. Well made animation is aesthetically pleasing, impressive and helps to better understand and remember the information. According to complexity of a project, you can combine animation with an audio commentary and text, which further increases how well is your message received. Thanks to this, even more complicated topics become instantly more comprehensable. There is no surprise then, that it is widely used even in training videos, online courses and marketing videos. Animation works well on its own, but also as a part of promo, such as an animated intro or a logo of a company. 

Nobody likes annoying and boring commercials. People like to have fun. They want to feel entertained even when they are being educated. The more fun a video is on Youtube, Facebook or other social media, the higher probability, that people will watch it and share it. Using animation is a great way to contribute to this feeling of having fun. 

Animation also helps to increase the amount of time your potential customer spends on your website. People are exposed to an influence of online videos each and every day, which opens up many opportunities for use of an animated video. Furthermore google has a tendancy to judge a content, on which a visitor spent more time on, as more relevant and more important. Unlike an image or a text, that often makes readers to just quickly "scan it with their eyes", an animation requires more time and attention from a viewer. This will help you achieve a a better overal satisfaction with a website and potentially even rank higher than your competitor. 

An undeniable advantage of an animation is its incredibly creative potential. As opposed to traditional video, when everything has its limits, be it a current situation during shooting or a physical restrictions of this world, an animation can be a great alternative. Don´t be afraid to go crazy and make it as wild as possible. You can play around with character or simply use it as a way to convey your message in a more simply and easily. Even a "conservative" animation can be very effective, if it fits and compliments your company´s identity.

Ešte i dnes sa niekedy stretávame s názorom, že čo je animované, to je pre deti. Animované seriály ako South Park a Family Guy však tento predpoklad jasne vyvracajú, keďže spracúvajú kontroverzné témy, ktoré by pre menšie deti mohli byť nevhodné. 

Animácia má však wider use than cartoons and movies and depending on a topic and a way it is handled, it can catch an attention of people of all ages.

According to research up to 65 % ľudí učí najlepšie vizuálnym spôsobom učebného štýlu

Dobre spracovaná animation is aesthetically pleasing, impressive and helps to better understand and remember the information. 

Podľa komplexnosti projektu možno animáciu kombinovať i s audio komentárom a textom, čo ešte väčšmi pomáha posilniť vnímanie zdieľanej správy. Vďaka tomu sa i zložitejšie témy stávajú oveľa zrozumiteľnejšími. 

Nemožno sa teda diviť, že animácia sa často používa i vo videách zameraných na tréning zamestnancov, v online kurzoch a ako súčasť promo videí. 

Výborne funguje samostatne, ale aj ako doplnok videa, napr. v podobe animovaného intra alebo loga spoločnosti. 

Nobody likes annoying and boring commercials. People like to have fun. They want to feel entertained even when they are being educated. 

The more fun a video is on Youtube, Facebook or other social media, the higher probability, that people will watch it and share it. Using animation is a great way to contribute to this feeling of having fun. 

Animation also helps to increase the amount of time your potential customer spends on your website. 

Ľudia sú každodenne vystavení vplyvu  online videí, čo ponúka výhodný priestor na uplatnenie animovanej promo reklamy. 

Navyše má google tendenciu posudzovať obsah, nad ktorým strávi potenciálny zákazník viac času ako hodnotnejší, a tým ho posúva na vyššie priečky vo vyhľadávaní. 

Unlike an image or a text, that often makes readers to just quickly "scan it with their eyes", an animation requires more time and attention from a viewer. This will help you achieve a a better overal satisfaction with a website and potentially even rank higher than your competitor. 

An undeniable advantage of an animation is its incredibly creative potential. 

Pri tradičnom videu ste limitovaní možnosťami situácie pri natáčaní a fyzikálnymi zákonitosťami tohto sveta. V takom prípade môže byť animácia výbornou alternatívnou. 

Nebojte sa odviazať a spraviť ju takou bláznivou a strelenou ako sa len dá. 

Pohrajte sa s komickosťou postavy alebo využite možnosť zjednodušiť informácie do prehľadného animovaného videa. 

Aj „konzervatívna“ animácia však môže byť veľmi účinná, ak vhodne dopĺňa a zvýrazňuje jedinečnú identitu Vašej firmy a značky.

autorka textu a animácie: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

autorka textu a animácie: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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