Graphic design, Web design, Animation, Photography
Pictures of these flowers were taken in a studio. I used them in a calendar. I love taking pictures of nature, especially details and structure, mostly outside. I use macro lens very often.
Pictures of these flowers were taken in a studio. I used them in a calendar. I love taking pictures of nature, especially details and structure, mostly outside. I use macro lens very often.
The most beautiful nature I have ever seen was in Albania. Albanian mountains, hilltop pastures, forests and flowers seemed to be untouched by human hand. Presence of a civilization can be felt just by seeing an old electric poles here and there.
The most beautiful nature I have ever seen was in Albania. Albánske hory, vysokohorské lúky, lesy a kvety sa zdajú byť takmer nepoškvrnené zásahom človeka.
Prítomnosť civilizácie naznačuje iba sem tam staré elektrické vedenie.
You can find more photos of Albanian nature in a section about Albania.
You can find more photos of Albanian nature in a section about Albania.
Very promising spots for taking beautiful shots of flowers are also botanical gardens and flower beds in the gardens of an old historical mansions. Last year (2020) I got lucky and managed to spend the summer in Czechia just before the COVID pandemic hit the Central Europe really hard. Flowers shown in the gallery bellow were took in Botanical garden of Prague and Zoos in Pilsner and Hluboká nad Vltavou. Zoo in Hluboká is smaller than the one in Pilsner, but makes an impression of a cosy little place, the pathing is very smartly distributed, and they have so many beautiful flower beds, cute gnawers and baby meerkats!
Very promising spots for taking beautiful shots of flowers are also botanical gardens and flower beds in the gardens of an old historical mansions. Last year (2020) I got lucky and managed to spend the summer in Czechia ešte predtým, než vypukol koronavírus.
Kvety v nižšie uvedenej galérii boli fotené v Botanickej záhrade v Prahe a v Zoologických záhradách v Plzni a Hlubokej nad Vltavou.
Zoo v Hlubokej je síce menšia než v Plzni, ale pôsobí veľmi útulne, dobre sa tam orientuje, majú veľa krásnych kvetinových záhonov, zlatých hlodavcov a mláďatká surikaty!
Botanical gardens
Botanical gardens
All botanical gardens and zoos are temporarily closed due to the pandemic, but I decided to include several links to their official websites. I highly recommend you visit all of them with your kids.
All botanical gardens and zoos are temporarily closed due to the pandemic, but I decided to include several links to their official websites. I highly recommend you visit all of them with your kids.
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