
This is how beautifully Budapest looks like through the lens of a camera.

Budapest through the lens of a camera

Budapest through the lens of a camera

Aj keď Budapešť možno teoreticky prejsť za jeden deň, vyžaduje si to naplánovať vopred, nebyť lenivý a vstať skoro ráno. My sme vstávali ešte za tmy. 

Mali sme v pláne navštíviť predovšetkým Zoo (jedna z najstarších na svete!) a to ostatné pozrieť, ak sa zvýši čas.

Budapest is relatively close to the southern border of Slovakia. Despite of this fact, there was a huge crowd already waiting in front of the zoo. Botanical garden is a part of the complex.

Zvierat bolo naozaj veľa, vraj až 1072 druhov! Bohužiaľ, niektoré vyzerali dosť smutne a výbehy mohli byť i väčšie. 

Navyše, všetky ceduľky k výbehom so zvieratami a k rastlinám boli iba po maďarsky. Vzhľadom na blízkosť hraníc so Slovenskom mohli byť i po slovensky. Ale dobre. Aj anglické popisky by sme brali, lenže aj tie chýbali.

Celú Zoo sme, napriek jej veľkosti, prešli dosť rýchlo. Niekedy sme ani nevedeli na aké zviera sa to vlastne pozeráme… 

Stánky s občerstvením boli síce na každom rohu, ale všade predávali to isté – jedálensky zapáchajúci vyprážaný syr s hranolkami. Botanická časť záhrady sa nám páčila oveľa viac.

Čím nás však toto mesto naozaj zaujalo, bolo historické centrum. My sme stihli pozrieť Námestie hrdinov, Kostol kráľa Mateja, Kráľovský palác zvonku, Reťazový most a Baziliku svätého Štefana. 

Pre milovníkov histórie je toto mesto skutočne ,,must see“. 

Na budapeštiansky hradný vrch sa dá odviesť i lanovkou, ale je to dosť drahé, čakanie v rade je únavné a zbytočné. Schodami v pohode vyšli aj dôchodcovia.

If you are interested in Budapest we recommend you to watch this short video: Čo sa oplatí vidieť v Budapešti.

For an interesting one day trip you can also visit polish village Niedzica.

Even if it is possible to walk through Budapest in one day, it requires a lot of planning, not being lazy and getting up really early. We got up while it was still dark outside. Our main goal was to visit the zoo (one of the oldest in the world!) and a rest of the city, if there would be enough time left.

Budapest is relatively close to the southern border of Slovakia. Despite of this fact, there was a huge crowd already waiting in front of the zoo. Botanical garden is a part of the complex.

There were so many animals to see here, 1072 species apparently! Unfortunately, some of them looked very sad and their enclosures could have been larger. Another issue was that all the signs were in hungarian. Since the zoo is close to the borders of Slovakia, they could have been in slovak as well. But that´s alright, english ones would be ok as well. Unfortunately, there were none.

We walked through the whole zoo quite quickly as well, despite it´s size. Sometimes we didn´t even know what animal we were looking at… Food stalls stood on every corner, yet they all sold the same kind of food – cafeteria smelling fried cheese with french fries. We ended up enjoying the botanical garden, that was part of a zoo much more.

However, what really sparked our interest in Budapest was the historical center. We managed to visit Heroes' Square, Church of st. Mathew, exterior of the Royal palace, Chain bridge and St. Stephen's Basilica. For a history lover it is definitely a must see city. You can get to the castle hill by cable, although this option is quite expensive and waiting in line is tiresome and unnecessary. Even an old grandma could climb these stairs with little to no trouble at all.

If you are interested in Budapest we recommend you to watch this short video: Čo sa oplatí vidieť v Budapešti.

For an interesting one day trip you can also visit polish village Niedzica.

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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