
Vienna – museum, Belvedere, Schönbrunn, Zoo, Hofburg

Viedeň – múzeum, Belvedér, Zoo, Hofburg

Camping Vienna West in Vienna has all the basic sanitary facilities and even recycling bins. But the spot for tents doesn´t have electricity, so we had to pay for a more expensive caravan place, where we pitched our tent.

This time, we got ready for a hot summer weather. Our tent has a large net on top, which can be covered during rain. Thanks to this, staying inside a tent is much more pleasant and cooler. Of course, we didn´t forget about mini fridge. We keep it protected by plastic cover, when it´s not in use.

There is a colorfully painted building not too far from camping. It´s a part of exterior art exhibition that takes place inside in main building. This place is popular choice for events, such as weddings.

Full of enthusiasm, we decided to walk to Vienna. Vienna is like a pavement jungle. We walked a total of 30 km during a whole day. Expensive shops and souvenir shops tried to tempt us. But prices in Vienna are already so expensive, that we didn´t really desired to buy anything, that wasn´t necessary,

Camping Vienna West in Vienna has all the basic sanitary facilities and even recycling bins. But the spot for tents doesn´t have electricity, so we had to pay for a more expensive caravan place, where we pitched our tent.

Tento rok sme sa poctivo pripravili na letné horúčavy. Náš stan má zvrchu veľkoplošnú sieťku na vetranie, ktorá sa dá v prípade potreby, napríklad počas dažďa, zakryť. Vďaka tomu je pobyt v stane oveľa znesiteľnejší. 

Vyzbrojili sme sa, ako už zvyčajne, prenosnou mini chladničkou, ktorú chránime plastovým krytom, ak sa práve nepoužíva.

Neďaleko kempingu sa nachádza pestrofarebne pomaľovaná budova. Ide o súčasť vonkajšej expozície galérie, ktorá sa nachádza vo vnútri hlavnej budovy. 

V areáli okolo galérie sa tiež konajú svadby a spoločenské akcie.

Plní entuziazmu a energie sme sa rozhodli ísť z kempingu až do Viedne na pešo. 

Čakal nás zdrvujúci pochod betónovou džungľou. Za celý deň sme prešli zhruba 30 km po betóne. 

Cestou nás všade lákali výklady so suvenírmi, cukrovinkami a luxusnými drahými odevmi. Ceny vo Viedni sú však také vysoké, že kupovať niečo iné okrem základných potrieb nás ani nenapadlo.

Vienna is such a big city, thar it isn´t possible to see everything in one day. Our first stop was Natural history museum of Vienna on Maria Theresa square. We were welcomed by a stuffed dog, that belong to the empress.

Among a massive exhibition of stones, gems and minerals, a sample of stones used to build museum was displayed.

Exposition includes stones from all over the world, although many times, they used historical names of locations, so instead Slovakia as a country of origin, it was Hungary instead.

The exhibition continued to show us many extincted animals, such as dinosaurs, as well as animals that no longer exist because of us humans (hunting for skin, fur, trophy...). They provided ecology themed boards and advertisment to spread awareness among people.

We think one of the coolest part of exhibition is the oportunity to see a skeleton of Homo neandertalis right next to a real vistor (Homo sapiens) and notice some of the changes.

Some giant animals looked like they came straight of a horror movie

Be sure not to miss a model of whale in real size. Whales use their oddly shaped teeth to filter plankton.

We gotta admit, that stuffed animals looked kind of creepy, but not as creepy as reptiles in formaldehyde jars.

If you pay attention, you will nottice, that building of a museum looks very interesting not only from outside, but also from the inside.

Viedeň je také veľké mesto, že je nemožné vidieť všetko za 1 deň. 

Našou prvou zastávkou bolo prírodovedné múzeum na námestí Márie Terézie. Hneď na začiatku prehliadky nás privítal vypchatý pes samotnej cisárovnej.

Súčasťou rozsiahlej výstavy minerálov, polodrahokamov a drahokamov bola vzorka všetkých druhov kameňov, ktoré sa použili pri stavbe múzea.

Expozícia zahŕňala kamene z prakticky celého sveta, i keď použité boli historické názvy lokácií.

V exhibícii zvierat sme videli nielen množstvo modelov prirodzene vyhynutých živočíchov, ako sú dinosaury, ale aj tie, ktoré vyhynuli pričinením človeka. Ohrozeným druhom sa venovali ekologické náučné tabule.

We think one of the coolest part of exhibition is the oportunity to see a skeleton of Homo neandertalis right next to a real vistor (Homo sapiens) and notice some of the changes.

Some giant animals looked like they came straight of a horror movie

Be sure not to miss a model of whale in real size. Whales use their oddly shaped teeth to filter plankton.

We gotta admit, that stuffed animals looked kind of creepy, but not as creepy as reptiles in formaldehyde jars.

If you pay attention, you will nottice, that building of a museum looks very interesting not only from outside, but also from the inside.

Museum tour was long and exhausting, but we managed to get through it in half a day. We didn´t want to go back to camping and decided to explore Vienna instead. So, we headed of to Belvedere.

It was sunday, weather was hot like crazy, most shops were closed. Those stalls, that did sell water took advantage of that and sold 0,5l bottle for almost 3 euros. We spend more money just on water than on anything else that day.

Belvedere had some interesting statues of sphinx, but otherwise, the garden itself wasn´t that impressive. It was just a grass cut into geometric shapes. With a few patches of flowers here and there.

We still had more time until evening, so we decided to go and see St. Stephen´s square. We walked passed by a park with statue of Mozart. St. Stephen's Cathedral can be found on St. Stephen´s square and is one of the highlightes in Vienna.

Napriek tomu, že celková obhliadka prírodopisného múzea bola dosť dlhá a vyčerpávajúca, predsa sa nám podarilo absolvovať ju za pol dňa. Nechcelo sa nám vracať do kempingu, kde by sme sa po zvyšok dňa iba nudili, tak sme sa rozhodli preskúmať Viedeň ešte dôslednejšie. Vybrali sme sa do Belvedéru.

Bola akurát nedeľa, slnko pálilo ako šialené a väčšina obchodov bola zatvorených. Stánky, ktoré boli otvorené sa na tom samozrejme priživili tak, že pol litra vody predávali za 2,90€, teda takmer 3 eurá. 

Za celý deň sme iba za vodu minuli oveľa viac než za čokoľvek iné.

Belvedere had some interesting statues of sphinx, but otherwise, the garden itself wasn´t that impressive. It was just a grass cut into geometric shapes. With a few patches of flowers here and there.

Pretože sme ešte stále mali do večera čas, rozhodli sme sa ísť pozrieť aj na námestie Sv. Štefana. Trasa viedla cez mestský park so sochou Mozarta. 

Na námestí sa nachádza Dóm sv. Štefana, jedna z najcharakteristickejších budov vo Viedni.

Next day was time to go to Schönbrunn. Schönbrunn had a whole garden covered by lovely and colorful flower patches and was decorated by antique (or at least antique looking) statues. Neptun´s fountain is part of Schönbrunn garden as well.

Next day was time to go to Schönbrunn. Schönbrunn had a whole garden covered by lovely and colorful flower patches and was decorated by antique (or at least antique looking) statues. Neptun´s fountain is part of Schönbrunn garden as well.

There is an entrance to Vienna Zoo right at the end of the garden. Most animals looked really happy, habitats looked natural and large enough and we were able to take a picture of them without a grid fence in the way.

Animals were very active. Many of them were eating, when we saw them.

Panda bear decided to turn its back on us, but we get it. It must be exhausting to have so many onlookers to see everything you do all day.

A bat "exhibitionist" had no problem fully exposing himself. Curiosity of visitors wasn´t enough to interrupt intimate moments between 3 mating grasshopper.

There are also plenty of exotic, as well as domestic plants.

There is an entrance to Vienna Zoo right at the end of the garden. Most animals looked really happy, habitats looked natural and large enough and we were able to take a picture of them without a grid fence in the way.

Animals were very active. Many of them were eating, when we saw them.

Panda bear decided to turn its back on us, but we get it. It must be exhausting to have so many onlookers to see everything you do all day.

A bat "exhibitionist" had no problem fully exposing himself. Curiosity of visitors wasn´t enough to interrupt intimate moments between 3 mating grasshopper.

There are also plenty of exotic, as well as domestic plants.

We headed to Hofburg the next day. Today it´s part of a bureau of austrian president. This time we bought tickets for public transportation (using app) to avoid muscle pain from walking on pavement all day. 

We were lucky to see a short military parade. Austrian president had some foreign delegates to come over for a visit. Other than that, Hofburg wasn´t that interesting. Photography was prohibited. We couldn´t go inside with our bag on wheels and they wouldn´t let us keep it locker room. So we had to split. Two of us went inside, the other two stayed outside and then we changed.

Empress Sisi was on a strict diet. She ate mostly meat and bone marrow. She had a wooden workout machine in her room. The large collection of cutllery and silver and porcelain dishes could be used even today.

Vienna is promoting its art exhibitions everywhere.

Before going back to camping, we relaxed in the Rose Garden of the Volksgarten.

We headed to Hofburg the next day. Today it´s part of a bureau of austrian president. This time we bought tickets for public transportation (using app) to avoid muscle pain from walking on pavement all day. 

Podarilo sa nám akurát vystihnúť menšiu vojenskú prehliadku. Rakúsky prezident v ten deň prijímal niekoľkých zahraničných delegátov. Okrem toho však Hofburg nebol až taký zaujímavý. Bolo tam zakázané fotiť.

Do múzea nás nepustili s vakom na kolieskach a nemali preň úložné priestory, takže nám nezostávalo iné, než sa rozdeliť na dve skupiny. Jedna dvojica strážila vak, druhá išla na prehliadku a potom sme sa vystriedali.

Empress Sisi was on a strict diet. She ate mostly meat and bone marrow. She had a wooden workout machine in her room. The large collection of cutllery and silver and porcelain dishes could be used even today.

Vienna is promoting its art exhibitions everywhere.

Before going back to camping, we relaxed in the Rose Garden of the Volksgarten.

Extra reading for those who want to know more: Six unique traditions that Austrians love

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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