
Nice – traditional markets, sports park and beach

Nice – trhy, park a pláž

Parking in Nice was a complete catastrophy. Not only we barely found free parking spots in parking house, it was also narrow. We could have thought about keeping our car roof box in camping, but we didn´t. So, before we left, we had to take down roof box, take it of of the garage, put it on sidewalk, drive out of the garage and put the box back on car.

We went to first grocery store (minimarket) on our way to buy mineral water and tomatoes on sale, because we were worried that they won´t be available later. And then we carried them around all day in a bag and hoped they don´t get smashed.

First stop was a traditional market in Nice. There were tons of fresh, dried and pickled vegetables and fruits, sweets, tea, homemade meat products, soaps and other handmade products.

We had a long way ahead of us in order to get to view point on top of the hill. Just like in Monaco, there was a public elevator but it wasn´t functional.

Sports park is located on place, where an old castle used to stand and it´s a favourite place for fitness enthusiasts from Nice. Nobody hesitates to work out in public in here. Not just some "exotic dude", but whole groups. We really liked the fact, that parks and playgrounds in Nice are not just for children (as often happens in ), but also for active adults.

It is prohibited to bring dogs in sports park.

A view of the city from the top of the hill is truly beautiful. There are archeological diggings in progress.

We were excited about tasting ice cream from the oldest ice cream shop in city. They don´t accept card and we didn´t have change. It doesn´t matter however, because there was another icecream shop, that accepted credit cards. They had som wild ice cream flavors, not just classics like vanilla and chocolate flavor, but also violet, rose, lavender, avocado and other.

Another thing we have noticed are very clean playgrounds. Just like in Monaco, dogs are not allowed on playgrounds. It looks like most people respect and follow that rule.

We heard, that Nice has separate dog parks, but we haven´t been in any. If you travel with your pet, you might want to check dog friendly parks in Nice first (can be found by googling).

City fountain not only looks great, but is also very refreshing in summer.

Children can ride on an old merry go round. It can be found on coast.

Swimmers are watched by lifeguard. There are many luxurious hotels and restaurants along the coast.

Parking in Nice bola čistá katastrofa. Nielen, že sme ledva našli voľné miesto v parkovacom dome, ešte nám bolo aj tesno. Mohlo nás samozrejme napadnúť nechať strešný box v kempingu, ale nenapadlo. 

Pri odchode sme teda museli dať strešný box dole, vyniesť ho z garáže na chodník, vyjsť s autom von a strešný box vyložiť znova na auto.

V meste sme si hneď v prvom obchode s potravinami (minimarkete) kúpili vodu a paradajky v zľave, lebo sme sa obávali, že pri ceste naspäť už budú vykúpené. 

Potom sme ich vláčili v našom vaku na kolieskach celý deň po meste a stresovali, či sa nepopučia.

First stop was a traditional market in Nice. There were tons of fresh, dried and pickled vegetables and fruits, sweets, tea, homemade meat products, soaps and other handmade products.

We had a long way ahead of us in order to get to view point on top of the hill. Just like in Monaco, there was a public elevator but it wasn´t functional.

Športový park rozprestierajúci sa na mieste, kde kedysi stál hrad, je obľúbeným miestom pre cvičencov z celého Nice. 

Tu sa nikto absolútne nehanbí cvičiť na verejnosti. Nielen sem-tam nejaký „exot“, ale vo veľkom a v skupine. Veľmi sa nám páčilo, že parky a ihriská nie sú len miestom, kde rodičia berú deti „vyblázniť sa“ (ako to často býva u nás), ale že aj samotní dospelí sú veľmi aktívni.

It is prohibited to bring dogs in sports park.

A view of the city from the top of the hill is truly beautiful. There are archeological diggings in progress.

Tešili sme sa aj na ochutnávku zmrzliny z najstaršej zmrzlinárne v meste, kartu tam však neakceptujú a nemali sme dosť drobných. Blízko sme si ale kúpili zmrzlinu v druhej najznámejšej zmrzlinárni v meste. 

Medzi zmrzlinami neboli len klasiky, ako vanilková a čokoládová, ale aj veľa netradičných a zaujímavých príchutí, ako fialková, ružová, levanduľová, avokádová a iné.

Another thing we have noticed are very clean playgrounds. Just like in Monaco, dogs are not allowed on playgrounds. It looks like most people respect and follow that rule.

We heard, that Nice has separate dog parks, but we haven´t been in any. If you travel with your pet, you might want to check dog friendly parks in Nice first (can be found by googling).

City fountain not only looks great, but is also very refreshing in summer.

Children can ride on an old merry go round. It can be found on coast.

Swimmers are watched by lifeguard. There are many luxurious hotels and restaurants along the coast.

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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