
Albania – vacation

Albania – vacation

Albania and Sweden share a top position among the most beautiful destinations, we have ever been to. Albanian nature is absolutely breathtaking, wild and largely intact. Albanians seem to live in harmony with nature and their surroundings. There are fresh figs growing by the road and goats are grazing on mountain meadows.

Commuting options to many secluded parts are very limited. A bus travels through the narrowest, crooked road and the sight of it makes veins turn cold. Do you have a car? Good. But don´t get too happy, unless you have an SUV. And even with that, driving on Albanian roads is an adrenaline experience.

Many people in Albania live a traditional agricultural lifestyle. They grow a lot of fruit and vegetables, so vegetarians will really enjoy staying here. They seem to eat meat only occasionally, most often goat and fish. They put a lot of emphasis on supporting local agriculture.

Albania and Sweden share a top position among the most beautiful destinations, we have ever been to. Albanian nature is absolutely breathtaking, divoká a zatiaľ nepoškvrnená rukou človeka. 

Albánci žijú v obdivuhodnej symbióze s okolitým prírodným prostredím. There are fresh figs growing by the road and goats are grazing on mountain meadows.

Do odľahlejších horských končín premáva iba are very limited. 

Po neuveriteľne krivoľakej, uzučkej a kostrbatej ceste sa terigá autobus a vám pri pohľade naň len tuhne krv v žilách.

Máte so sebou auto? Dobre. Ale veľmi sa netešte.

Používať obyčajné osobné auto je častokrát na mnohých albánskych cestičkách vysoko adrenalínovým zážitkom.

Väčšina ľudí v Albánsku vedie tradičný agrikultúrny život. Pestujú tu veľa ovocia a zeleniny, takže vegetariáni si prídu na svoje. 

They seem to eat meat only occasionally, most often goat and fish. They put a lot of emphasis on supporting local agriculture.

Albanian supermarkets

Albanian supermarkets

They do have supermarkets, even in smaller towns, however, you will be surprised or even dissapointed after your first visit. You are not going to get fresh baked goods, vegetables and fruit in there. 

Shelves in supermarket are filled with sweets, canned goods and other similar stuff. We are not saying you will never use it. We used to go to albanian supermarkets to buy croissants for our trips.

Fruits and vegetables are sold on markets. You can find those on every corner. Fresh figs were a true delicacy. Dried figs that we sometimes eat at Christmas time are nowhere close to them in terms of quality. We had to go to bakery in order to buy bread and other pastry.

The heat in Albania was almost unbearable. We had to cut out holes into our tent. Other than that, we had a really good time in Albania.

If you are intrigued by Albania and would like to learn more, I recommend you watch this video from our vacation.

author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

Supermarkety tu síce majú aj v menších mestečkách, ale pri prvej návšteve vás veľmi prekvapia, možno i sklamú. You are not going to get fresh baked goods, vegetables and fruit in there. 

Výklady sú zaplnené množstvom sladkostí, konzerv, krekrov a iných trvanlivých produktov. 

Netvrdíme, že to nikdy nevyužijete. My sme do supermarketov chodili kupovať sladké dobroty, ktoré sme so sebou brali na výlety.

Ovocie a zelenina sa predáva na trhoch. Tie sú na každom rohu. Najväčšou lahôdkou boli čerstvé figy. Naše sušené, aké občas jedávame na Vianoce sa im kvalitou ani zďaleka nevyrovnajú. Na chlieb a pečivo sme chodili do pekární.

V Albánsku bola neopísateľne príšerná horúčava. We had to cut out holes into our tent.

If you are intrigued by Albania and would like to learn more, I recommend you watch this video from our vacation.

author of the text and photographs: 
Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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