Graphic design, Web design, Animation, Photography
Fashion photography
Thanks to a simple backdrop these pictures are perfect for further quick and easy post production (you can use them in banners, posters or to present your e-shop products). Clothing and accessories are at the center of attention.
Vďaka jednoduchému pozadiu sú tieto fotografie ideálne na rýchlu a pohodlnú postprodukciu alebo na efektívnu prezentáciu produktu v e-shope. V strede pozornosti je oblečenie a doplnky.
Different approaches towards fashion photography
Are you preparing a catalogue, magazine cover or a simple slideshow for you e-shop? What is your target group? What else do you plan to do with that photo? It is good to know answers to these questions before the photo shoot.
Are you preparing a catalogue, magazine cover or a simple slideshow for you e-shop? What is your target group? What else do you plan to do with that photo? It is good to know answers to these questions before the photo shoot.
4 basic types of fashion photography
4 basic types of fashion photography
„High fashion“ photography
„High fashion“ photography
In this type the main focus is on capturing the style and luxury of a prestigious brand (Gucci, Vogue, Chanel). These fashion photographs often present clothes on a top model or a celebrity. This type of photography is usually striking, impressive, sometimes extravagant and very high in production value. It sells not just the product, but also a creative vision of a fashion designer, photographer and stylist.
V tomto type ide o zachytenie osobitého štýlu a luxusu známej značky (Gucci, Vogue, Chanel). Tieto módne fotografie ukazujú produkty najčastejšie na topmodelke alebo svetoznámej celebrite.
Je to typ fotografie, ktorý býva veľmi pôsobivý, niekedy extravagantný a produkčne náročný.
Predáva nielen produkt, ale i kreatívnu víziu módneho návrhára, fotografa a vizážistu.
Editorial photography
Editorial photography
Editorial photography is used extensively in fashion magazines. Photographer shoots a model in a middle of a common everyday activity. It focuses on a specific lifestyle. For example, pictures of a model in a suit represent the image of a successful businessman. This model can stand in a coffee shop, with legs casually crossed while making an important phone call. Pictures like that always have a theme or a story, which fits the article they were taken for.
Tento typ fotografie sa používa hojne v módnych časopisoch. Fotograf fotí modela/modelku uprostred nejakej prirodzenej každodennej činnosti.
Zobrazuje životný štýl cieľovej skupiny. Ako príklad môžeme uviesť fotky modela v obleku, ktorý často stvárňuje úspešného podnikateľa.
Nachádza sa v kaviarni, stojí s nohami ležérne prekríženými a vybavuje dôležitý hovor.
Fotografie majú tému alebo príbeh, ktorý sa vždy prispôsobuje článku, pre ktorý vznikajú.
Často je dôležitejší imidž, aký modelka v šatách vyvoláva než samotná značka.
Catalogue fashion photography
Catalogue fashion photography
Simple, non-extravagant fashion photography. It´s the most basic way to shoot a fashion. The effort is put into elevating the clothes and their accessories. Personality of a model is pushed into background, as it is undesirable for her or him to distract attention from clothes. Sometimes fashion pictures are made without a model. In that case only a product itself or a detail is photographed. However, pictures of clothes on a model often give a potential buyer better idea of how it will look like in reality. This type of photography is mostly used in printed catalogues and e-shops.
Snaží sa zvýrazniť a vyzdvihnúť predovšetkým šaty a doplnky. Osobnosť modelky alebo modela je potlačená do úzadia, keďže je nežiadúce, aby bola výraznejšia než šaty, ktoré nosia.
Niekedy sa robia i fotky bez modelov. Vtedy sa odfotí iba samotný produkt alebo jeho detail, prípadne sa použije figurína.
Avšak, fotenie oblečenia na modelke dáva potenciálnemu kupujúcemu častokrát lepšiu predstavu, ako oblečenie pasuje na reálnej postave.
Tento druh fotografie sa často používa v tlačených katalógoch a v e-shopoch.
Street fashion photography
Street fashion photography
Fashion photographed in streets. Sometimes a known model or a celebrity is being hired. But most of the times it is more about those random people passing by and their unique fashion style. This type of photography is popular to use in fashion vlogs and magazines.
Móda fotená v uliciach. Niekedy sa využíva modelka alebo celebrita.
Častokrát však ide aj o fotky náhodných okoloidúcich, ak je ich štýl obliekania dostatočne výrazný a jedinečný. Tento typ je populárny na módnych blogoch a v časopisoch.
It is not always possible to distinguish between these categories. Methods and techniques are often combined. Whatever your intentions might be, a style of each picture must fit the desired purpose it is meant to be used for. I will gladly help you in that regard.
author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography
Nie vždy je možné jednotlivé kategórie módnej fotografie dostatočne odlíšiť. Častokrát sa osvedčené postupy a techniky kombinujú.
Nech sú už Vaše úmysly akékoľvek, štýl fotografie musí vždy zodpovedať účelu, na ktorý sa budú využívať.
author of the text and photographs: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography
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