
The magic of postcards

The magic of postcards

Postcards can help you fight the loneliness. Even if we are isolating ourselves and avoiding our loved ones for medical reasons, this separation has profound effect on our mental health.

Of course, you can always send and email or a text message to stay in touch with your friends and family, but sending a postcard feels more special.

It´s much more personal than sending a Facebook or Instagram post,, which we tend to copy and send to everyone. People are actually happy when they are receiving postcards, because they can see that you put an effort and time into writing them.

Postcards can help you fight the loneliness. Even if we are isolating ourselves and avoiding our loved ones for medical reasons, this separation has profound effect on our mental health.

It goes without saying that to keep in touch with your family and friends you could simply send SMS or an e-mail, but sending a postcard has much more magic in it.

It feels more personal than a comment on Facebook or Instagram, which have tendencies to be copied and sent to everyone. People are actually happy when receiving postcards, because they can see that you put an effort and time into writing them.

Postcards as a small piece of art

Postcards as a small piece of art

Physical postcards have longer lifespan than electronic greeting or a comment. Just think about it. When you send someone a Facebook message, will they save it? Print it? Put it on a shelf? Show it to family and friends? Store it safely away? No. But they do that with postcards. Some of the oldest postcards are hundreds of years old. Many of them are a little piece of art, which further increases their value.

This value is both sentimental and material. Did you know, that the oldest postcard in the world has a value of 35 797 euros? That cannot be said about a social media post, since it almost immediately vanishes, just to be replaced with a new one.

author of the text and graphic design: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

Pohľadnice majú navyše oveľa väčšiu životnosť ako elektronický pozdrav alebo správa. Len sa nad tým zamyslite. 

Keď niekomu pošlete Facebookovú správu, uložia si ju? Vytlačia? Vyložia na poličku? Ukazujú rodine a priateľom? Odložia? Nie. 

Ale s fyzickými pohľadnicami to robia. Nestratia ich, keď padne počítač a dobre uschované vydržia stovky rokov. Mnohé z nich sú malým umeleckým dielkom.

S rokmi nadobúdajú nielen citovú, ale i materiálnu hodnotu. 

Vedeli ste, že the oldest postcard in the world má cenu 35 797 €

To isté sa nedá povedať o príspevku na sociálnej sieti, ktorý zaniká veľmi rýchle, aby mohol byť nahradený iným.

author of the text and graphic design: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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