Graphic design

Banners and billboards

Banners and billboards

Signs and infographics

Signs and infographics









Business cards

Business cards

Visually appealing and easy to remember graphics is a must have for every successful company.

Visually appealing and easy to remember graphics is a must have for every successful company.

Is it better to see once than to hear a hundred times?

Is it better to see once than to hear a hundred times?

This could be very true for your blog or business. Writers need a lot of words and metaphors tu describe and abstract feeling or to make a point. Graphic design, photography or a drawing have and advantage, because their message is often clear at the first sight. They help understand things much quicker than a narative text. And they often do so in a more interesting and unique way. They provide an aesthetically pleasing experience and increase a chance of an information to retain in a long term memory.

We can prove this by a fact, that we remember a brand by simply looking at its visuals. Nike, an absolute icon in sports fashion, is world renown not only thanks to its clothing line, but also because of its simple, unique and easy to remember logo.

An advantage of a professional graphic design lays in the power of persuasion. If a customer has to quickly choose between two products, the decision is made subconsciously, based on impulse. How the package looks like plays a vital role in this. Of course, the quality of the product is also important, but you don´t know about that, until you unwrap it. The first impression truly matters.

To by mohla byť do veľkej miery pravda práve pre Váš blog či business. Ľudia reagujú citlivo na stimuláciu vizuálnych zmyslov. 

Spisovatelia potrebujú veľa slov a metafor, aby opísali abstraktný pocit a vyjadrili pointu. 

Grafika, fotografia alebo kresba majú tú výhodu, že ich myšlienka je často jasná už na prvý pohľad. Dokážu vysvetliť veci oveľa rýchlejšie než naratívny text. 

Poskytujú estetický zážitok a zvyšujú šancu, že sa informácia uloží do dlhodobej pamäte.

We can prove this by a fact, that we remember a brand by simply looking at its visuals. Nike, an absolute icon in sports fashion, is world renown not only thanks to its clothing line, but also because of its simple, unique and easy to remember logo.

Výhoda profesionálnej grafiky spočíva v sile presvedčivosti. Ak si má zákazník pohotovo vybrať medzi dvoma produktmi, rozhoduje sa podvedome, na základe impulzu. 

Dôležitú úlohu v tomto prípade zohráva i vzhľad balenia. Samozrejme, že kvalita samotného produktu je taktiež dôležitá, ale o tej neviete, kým ten obal neotvoríte. 

Na prvom dojme naozaj záleží.

author of the text and graphic design: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

author of the text and graphic design: Miroslava Pavlinská | webdesign, graphic design and photography

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